It would seem that the RHA have actually gone ahead and welcomed the announcement by Michael Gove regarding the delay of the Brexit import checks. This is going to be delayed until October. The association strongly believe that they are going to be able to buy valuable time for traders as well as hauliers. If you work in transport recruitment or if you work in the industry of HGV jobs or driver jobs then of course, this will be very welcome information to say the least. It also means that you are going to be able to welcome very new and complex arrangements when it comes to the border. The RHA executive chief has commented to say that that the announcement is of course, going to lessen some of the headache for a lot of international hauliers. They are still reeling from the tidal wave of red tape. This has beset them since the overall transition period which happened to end on the 31st of December in 2020. They have continued to say that it's not a universal fix at all and they cannot be confident that the operators are even going to be ready by this point. The amount of skilled agents and veterinarians that are in place across the EU still falls short. Not many of them have been able to complete the required documentation and it would seem that this is going to work against them overall.
Of course, measures like this are going to help the overall interrupted flow of products that are coming from the EU and it's also going to take into account the fact that Great Britain has a lot to do with this. There are concerns that the negotiation leverage is going to be compromised when asking for easements from the EU for any companies in the UK who may be willing to trade.