Volvo want to do everything that they can to improve safety and that they have gone as far to create unique sounds to boost all of their truck models. They are putting in the work to boost alerts and they also want to make sure that they are both pleasant and unobtrusive. They want this to be the case for the driver and for those who may be working close-by. This is going to really benefit those who work in various industries, including transport recruitment but it is also going to work well for those who are seeking HGV jobs or driver jobs. The alert is really going to boost safety and this is going to be the case for cyclists and various other road-users.
It's going to start on the 1st of July and the electric vehicles are going to be made available in the UK. They are going to emit a certain sound which is going to travel at speeds that are below 12mph. The sound required depends on the speed and this gets much higher when the vehicle slows. At 12mph, it should be at around 56 decibels and if the vehicle is far too quiet then the AVAS has to be added. Of course, to meet all of the new requirements, and at the same time benefit noise levels, it would seem that Volvo trucks have come up with their own unique and premium sounds. They know that people may have a hard time hearing traffic but this is going to stop all of that from being an issue by implementing safety sounds which are going to work wonders for those who work in the industry. That being said, it's also going to benefit those who don't which is fantastic to say the last.