If you work in the industry of driver recruitment or if you are seeking driver jobs through a driving agency then you will know how important it is to keep up with the latest updates. Either way you’ll be interested to know that there are now new warehouse jobs being created for industrial workers. The company FIREM are choosing to ramp up their investments over at the Bracken Hill business park, which is located in Peterlee. They have developed the 2.58 acre site and this is going to be home to over 50,000 square foot of industrial space. The new development is going to sit on the site of the Gemini office block and this is going to bolster the company’s asset portfolio across the UK. There are plenty of industrial developments happening all across the UK and this is just one of many that are in the pipeline for the company. Building work is being carried out by the construction division and they have been given the task of managing their developments across the country. The company FIREM have gone as far to develop a social care plan for the building work that is going to take place in Peterlee. The company have been working very closely with the supply chain to make sure that the opportunities were available for local employment, as well as training for the construction business. The demand when you look at industrial space is rising across the UK and the idea of the investment is to try and provide the market with a very good level of supply. This is a very flexible space and it is entirely suited to local companies. It is going to help them to thrive and it is also going to bolster the economy quite a lot too.