Tank-ex and Tip-ex are on their way. When you look at the huge range of tasks they have to handle, you will soon find that choosing the right tipper body really isn't easy. For Thomas Bros. Excavations, their choice came down to Charlton or Thompsons. Each one is able to offer so many benefits and that was when they came to the decision that they really did want both. They bought Thompsons for years, purely because of the bodies and the overall quality they are able to offer. They know that they can put them on absolutely any job. That being said, when you look at the Charlton product, you will soon see that it is super versatile and that you have the bonus of it being well over 200kg lighter as well. As those who work in driver recruitment Ireland or even those who are part of a driving agency Ireland will now, weight is a very important factor.
If you are seeking driving jobs Ireland then you will be interested to know that the Loadmaster has a bit of extra strength in its reserve and that it also has additional capabilities as well. If you were carrying stone or even recycling materials on the other hand then the Supelite has a payload that is well-worth it. For a company who deals in all kinds of tipping, it's safe to say that they were both a fantastic investment.
Thompsons' Loadmaster Lite and Charlton's Superlite Bodies are fitted onto the Scania, Volvo and MAN chassis. They are a single skin design but they are built entirely on steel. The great thing about this is that it gives you the ideal blend of strength and durability, not to mention additional carrying capacity.