If you want to know more about the UK's quest for rail electrification then you have come to the right place. CILT research has shown time and time again that the benefits to drive recruitment, as well as those seeking driver jobs are endless. If you work as part of a driving agency or if you are industrial workers seeking warehouse jobs then you will know how beneficial this is going to be. At the end of the day, the CILT have released their very own electrification strategy and they have also revealed a lot of opportunity for the UK's rail network. CILT have chosen to release a detailed strategy and this is going to demonstrate the amount of opportunity in the UK to try and achieve a high number of electrified trains by 2040. Of course, over 10% of the British trains in the UK are being hauled by electronic locomotives but the UK is lacking behind other companies in the EU. CILT have said that an electrification programme of over 40 route miles per year for 20 years is going to be costly but it is going to be worth it in the long run.
Sure, the decarbonisation tech for other modes of transport is emerging yet sometimes opportunities arise and this is going to mean great things for the future. Tech like this is going to power the rail transport as we know it and the CILT see this as being a chance for them to seize a low-hanging fruit. The emissions from this kind of decarbonisation operation are great and it is going to be exciting to see what the future holds for the rail industry in general. If you want to find out more then make sure that you follow this story.