200 dangerous drivers have actually been stopped by the police and they have also been given safety tips too. The number of incidents that have happened on England's highways has fallen from 90 to 64. If you work as a driving agency Ireland, or if you are seeking out driving jobs Ireland then you will know how incredible this is. Of course, if you are part a driver recruitment Ireland service then you will probably know that the number is the fourth lowest number of collisions in 2019 and that it is also the lowest amount out of the school holidays too.
The Highway England officers have also joined forces with some of the emergency services too. It is their job to try and provide tyre checks and even safety tips to hundreds of drivers. Footage has been released and it showed someone driving a lorry while making a payment on his phone. This is designed to showcase the dangers of using your phone while you are behind the wheel. A lot of safety initiatives have shown how successful this movement has been and the whole team are super happy with the outcome too. They believe that changes can be in fact made to the way that people drive and that 200 drivers who have been driving dangerously have been pulled over. This is fantastic news to say the least and it just goes to show how a lot of accidents are purely down to lack of awareness. Of course, if you are a lorry driver then you will know that sometimes accidents happen as the result of hazardous conditions and that even though the lorries nowadays come with safety features, awareness is still the most important tool that a driver can have in their arsenal.